
Excerpt from “What Is Love?” pp. 91-93
“True symbiotic Love is pure, free, and enduring. It is a joyful dance of reciprocity between the giver and receiver. Neither person is the center of the equation. Love is the equation. We don’t act out of love; we act in a state of love at all times. It does not wax and wane depending on external or internal conditions. It is unconditional, unchanging and permanent. Our deepest desires and fears can be heard by our significant other because trust is abundant and both are filled with deep respect.
“True Love, Agape Love, embraces the totality of our experience here on earth, every emotion. Even if we make mistakes, and we will, True Love is different than raw desire or needy passion, because our motive is pure. Love can never abandon us unless we lose it in ourselves. We love because that is who we are. We love unconditionally all living creatures, all human beings, because love is all we know, and all we can be. . . .
“True Love is the threshold to all higher energies: bliss, which is a bubbling up of spirit; compassion, which is empathy for another; peace, a prolonged state of joy; and enlightenment, which is the level of powerful divine inspiration—the peak of human consciousness. . . .
“As we study love, become masters of love, and let go of our negative programming, we can know love, joy and peace as we have never known it before. We can have heaven on earth. . . .
“Today, I challenge you to begin anew, and reach for higher levels of loving. I invite you to bring the highest and best qualities of love, Agape love, True Love into all of your relationships.”
Love, peace and happiness,
Helen Berg, www.helen-berg.com
You can purchase a copy of “What is Love? at: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=helen+berg+what+is+love%3F&ref=nb_sb_noss