We are here for a purpose.
Many are finding out what their true purpose is. Maybe it’s the heart of a caregiver, a nurse, or a doctor. Maybe your true purpose is to be a helper. Some help on the front lines, and some, like me, work from the energy that is present all around us; in the quiet, in the ether.
I started meditating when I was 18. Yoga was a thing back in the 70s, and I stretch and balanced my body in postures that have been around for thousands of years; postures that open up the energy centers of the body. Somehow being young helped.
Maybe it was because I had less dross floating around in my mind. Maybe it was because I had less defenses, and was more open. But it was a delicious experience that I expanded over time: regression meditations, sitting meditations, walking meditations, meditations lying down, meditation in the lotus position.
For awhile, things got so busy that meditating became more difficult. I had to make time to find that quiet place. But I never stopped. Now, once again, I have the time to focus on the energy. Right now I am focusing on the earth. When I look at the trees I think: the earth is so magnificent. Does the she know there is a pandemic raging? Maybe she does. Maybe on a quantum level, this pandemic is healing our dear Mother Earth.
So I sit in God’s light sending out good energy to the earth, the universe and everyone in it. I pray everyday that all sentient beings be free from suffering. I pray we find peace in stillness, and that the earth will heal, and that we will heal, and find a new way. A way, perhaps, that is more conscious of our Earth, and all we and she holds dear. I pray, and meditate on the thought, that we, and our dear Mother Earth, find our balance.
Love, peace, health and happiness always and forever,
Helen Berg, https://helenberg.com