You are wonderful, you are beautiful, I love you just the way your are.
Recently I listened to a “Love Meditation” by Deepak Chopra, one of my mentors. You may be able to find it on the internet. It’s about putting yourself in a state of love consciousness, and you’re not going to believe how to do it! You do it by saying this to yourself silently in the mirror, to someone who is looking at you with love, or to someone whom you manifest and imagine is looking at you with love:
I am a beautiful person;
I am a wonderful person;
I love myself exactly as I am.
Now it may seem strange that the best way to send out love to the world is to love yourself. But it’s true. Just try it. Imagine your mate or significant other looking at you with loving eyes, and everything about their face and body language says, “I love you.” And silently in your mind you say:
I am a beautiful person;
I am a wonderful person;
I love myself exactly as I am.
Do you feel it? Do you feel that feeling of buoyancy that happens when you give love to yourself? It radiates out from you as love to others. Isn’t it amazing how the love you are able to receive, is directly related to the amount of love you have for yourself?
That’s worth saying again: the amount of love you are able to give or receive is directly related to the amount of love that you have for yourself.
So, the next time someone says, “I love you,” look into their eyes, and smile, and say silently to yourself:
I am a beautiful person;
I am a wonderful person;
I love myself exactly as I am.
Bask in their love, then say, “Thanks for sharing your love with me. I love you, too.”
Love, health and happiness,
Helen Berg
©Helen Berg’’s Blog; www.helen-berg.com