
Love-U-Verse Poster
created by Helen Berg and Stephen Roberts
All Rights Reserved

Excerpt from “What is Love” by Helen Berg, pp. 87-88; All rights Reserved


            “We must breathe love in like a balm to heal our wounds and make us whole and strong.  When we breathe in the love of God and the universe in meditation, when that is all that’s left overafter the clearing of old negative thoughts, we can intuitively and spontaneously walk in the right direction. We will know True Love when we feel it because we truly know what love is.  No longer held back by fear and ignorance, we will wisely leap into the abyss, knowing when love is right and good.  Why?  Because now we have knowledge of what love is, and what it is not.  As we clear, we focus more and more on our intuitive knowing of love. We use the books to learn, then we set them down and live.  With our energies unblocked and chakras spinning, Love will feel radiant and bright like light itself.

            “Try this exercise.  Every time something in your life feels wonderful, say “this is love.” When I write, when I paint, when I hug my daughter and granddaughter, when I really look at trees, flowers, the sky, now I say, “this is love,” and smile.  Love is all around us.  In the words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

“Earth’s crammed with heaven,

And every common bush afire with God,

And only he who sees takes off his shoes;

The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.”  

          “When we truly know love within ourselves, we will see it in the world and in everyone else.  We will sense the people who are awake to this knowledge, and those who still are asleep and blindfolded by their egos.  We may still make mistakes.  But now with our foundation of knowledge strong and secure below us, and our consistent work to overwrite old programs through study and repetition, we can find within ourselves what we always knew was true, that we are love.  We can then go forth with our intuition to deepen and share this knowledge.”

End of Excerpt

 You can purchase a copy of: “What Is Love?” by Helen Berg at: https://www.amazon.com/What-Love-Higher-Levels-Loving/dp/1504339916/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1589913047&sr=8-1

Love, health and happiness,

Helen Berg; http://www.helenberg.com