I am Peace; I am Love.

A relationship requires give and take.  This is accomplished by talking and understanding each other’s feelings and dealing, especially, with issues that cause conflict.  How do you do this?  By being brave and having the courage to see the issue clearly, being willing to share your thoughts, and most importantly, to listen.  That way you gain understanding and are able to reach a solution if that is your goal.  Sometimes all we really want is for someone to listen, and help us figure out the issue for ourselves.  

Perhaps your significant other needs help defining the issue, or seeing themselves more clearly.  Perhaps your significant other needs you to see yourself, or your own behavior more clearly.  That isn’t a “problem” that needs to be solved so much as it is a request to explore and express true deep feelings.  Solving a conflict doesn’t always require action, sometimes just listening to our partner’s concern is enough.  Don’t rush to action, take time to understand.  We rush sometimes to defend our own actions, or to reach a solution, when all that is required is to understand how our actions may be making someone else feel.

We all must take responsibility for our own feelings.  One should always avoid saying, “YOU made me feel this way.”  Better to say, “I feel this way.  Here is the action/inaction that precipitated the feeling.  I know I’m responsible for my own feelings, but I’m having trouble getting past this one.”  Expressed as an angry complaint, one would say: “YOU didn’t put the cap back on the toothpaste!”  Expressed with love and compassion for self and your significant other, it might be said in this way:  “When you don’t put the cap back on the toothpaste, I feel like you don’t respect our shared space in the bathroom, and that makes me feel like you don’t respect me.”  Now we’ve gotten down to the real problem.

Almost all “problems” in relationships are feelings of not being loved.  Ask your partner, “how can I better love you?” and “how can you better love me?”  Another good question is, “How can I better love myself?”  Maybe the solution is having your own bathroom space where you can keep it as neat and clean as you like.  Sounds like love to me!  If you can’t have a separate space, then tell your partner that when s/he puts the cap back on the toothpaste, it makes you feel loved, and happy.  The saying goes, “A happy wife is a happy life.”  While that may be true, an updated version might be, “A happy spouse is a happy house.”  Both partners need to find joy in the relationship.  It is never a one-sided deal.

If what you want is a great relationship, communicating, understanding and being willing to look at your own architecture, as well as know your partner’s true self (scars and all), is necessary.  You wouldn’t be together if you didn’t love each other.  Remember that.  Think about the deeper feelings that might be involved.  Maybe your partner wasn’t respected by a parent, or in another relationship.  

Decide if you are magnifying the issue in your own mind.  Improve your own thoughts.  By doing so, you may improve your own mind state to the point that you don’t need to discuss the issue.  But if you do, remember to be honest, friendly and loving.  

Embracing conflict in a positive way, instead of running away from it out of fear of rejection, not only allows us to successfully negotiate relationship hurdles, but is honest and allows the other person to see the real you.  Being vulnerable and real is attractive.  No one wants their partner to fake happiness; that can be felt too.  While discussing issues may be uncomfortable, how much more uncomfortable is it when a relationship ends for lack of good communication?  It’s heart-breaking!

Understand.  Be compassionate with your partner.  Ask for compassion for your own internal struggles.  You’ll be surprised at the result.  You may even thank your partner for giving you a clearer understand of your own emotions.  If you practice listening and understand, you can more quickly getting back to your heart center where love resides.  Then, instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, small conflicts can be resolved quickly and they will stay small, and large ones will be met with compassion, a smile, and a positive mind set because you know any conflict can be resolved with kindness, understanding and love.

Peace, health and happiness, and most of all, Love,

Helen Berg  


Love with a Capital “L”


Love-U-Verse Poster
created by Helen Berg and Stephen Roberts
All Rights Reserved

Excerpt from “What is Love” by Helen Berg, pp. 87-88; All rights Reserved


            “We must breathe love in like a balm to heal our wounds and make us whole and strong.  When we breathe in the love of God and the universe in meditation, when that is all that’s left overafter the clearing of old negative thoughts, we can intuitively and spontaneously walk in the right direction. We will know True Love when we feel it because we truly know what love is.  No longer held back by fear and ignorance, we will wisely leap into the abyss, knowing when love is right and good.  Why?  Because now we have knowledge of what love is, and what it is not.  As we clear, we focus more and more on our intuitive knowing of love. We use the books to learn, then we set them down and live.  With our energies unblocked and chakras spinning, Love will feel radiant and bright like light itself.

            “Try this exercise.  Every time something in your life feels wonderful, say “this is love.” When I write, when I paint, when I hug my daughter and granddaughter, when I really look at trees, flowers, the sky, now I say, “this is love,” and smile.  Love is all around us.  In the words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

“Earth’s crammed with heaven,

And every common bush afire with God,

And only he who sees takes off his shoes;

The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.”  

          “When we truly know love within ourselves, we will see it in the world and in everyone else.  We will sense the people who are awake to this knowledge, and those who still are asleep and blindfolded by their egos.  We may still make mistakes.  But now with our foundation of knowledge strong and secure below us, and our consistent work to overwrite old programs through study and repetition, we can find within ourselves what we always knew was true, that we are love.  We can then go forth with our intuition to deepen and share this knowledge.”

End of Excerpt

 You can purchase a copy of: “What Is Love?” by Helen Berg at: https://www.amazon.com/What-Love-Higher-Levels-Loving/dp/1504339916/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1589913047&sr=8-1

Love, health and happiness,

Helen Berg; http://www.helenberg.com

Love is…


Love is….

Love is patient. Love is kind. It goes the extra mile. It is soft in tone and touch. It is a positive force in the universe that heals all wounds. Without it you are a clanging gong, a noisy cymbal. Returning to love makes everything feel better. It gives meaning and depth to all you do. When you have True Love, your life is more interesting and exciting. It is also more challenging, for we do not find the meaning in life alone–it takes connection with others–but the effort is worth it.

The quality of love you are able to give in any relationship is the quality of love you have within yourself. You cannot give that which you do not possess. That is why True Love must bloom at your heart center first.

You must truly love yourself: forgive yourself, nurture yourself, respect yourself. When you do this, and let go of past “sins,” and view yourself and others as positive, healthy, radiant light beings, then you will not only find True Love within yourself, you will find it in all of your relationships.

To find Love, you must know it. To have Love, you must be it.

My knowledge was acquired by years of experience and study, formal and informal; by interviews and readings of many masters, psychologists and spiritual counselors; by talking to other light beings who knew True Love and had success with love in life. In all of my relationships, True Love abounds and I have found peace in the knowing and sharing of it. I hope and pray for the same joy for you in your life, as I have known in mine.

Love, peace and happiness,

Helen Berg; http://www.helenberg.com

We Can Be the Light

Today I meditated. Some people do walking meditations, or sitting meditation, I do bathtub meditations. Water heals me. Also, it seems to soak away all energy that does not serve me. At the end, I imagine water pouring over my head, and as the bath water goes down the drain, I imagine that the sludge in my mind, and anywhere else in my body, goes down the drain too, and I am left clean and pure. It’s letting go of all energy that does not serve me, and it opens up a space for other energy to come in.

What came in for me today is a feeling that I am ensconced in white light, with angels all around me. I saw myself first as a butterfly, then as a white peace dove, then as an angel. I felt my wings, large and strong. Then beams of light connected me to all the angels that were around me. “Remember us?” They said. “Yes,” I said, “I remember.” I sat in their light.

I know that visualization during meditation can sounds surreal, but I never judge what comes to me. What happens when you connect to the divine is that, you connect to your divine wisdom, to the ancient wisdom that is in your cells and DNA. You connect to the wisdom of the beginning of man, to the beginning of time. I believe that we all have been around since the Big Bang–when it blew all of our spirits into existence–and we have been traveling around the universe, without a spaceship, ever since.

Whether real or not, whether an image I just create in my brain, or truth, it calms me. The knowledge that we are all connected to the universe, and to each other, brings me peace and releases from me earthly frustrations in a way that nothing else can. I sit in this peace for as long as I can, until I’m called back to the responsibilities of, and existence in, this earthly realm.

I hope, in these troubling times, that meditation can lead you to the same place; to a peace that transcends and transforms all fears, all suffering; to a peace beyond understanding.

Love, health, peace,

Helen Berg, http://www.helenberg.com

What Is Love?


“I am a Divine conduit for transforming the quality of people’s lives.” — Louise Hay

My whole life, I have been on a mission to explore, define and understand the meaning of the words, “True Love.” For me, it has always been about helping people heal their minds, bodies and spirits so that they can grow and bloom.

For most of my life, I broke down problems and counseled people emotionally when they lost their job or were physical injured. Together, we always arrived at solutions that took them positively forward into their future lives. Many times that meant accepting change and creating new visions.

If you are as passionate as I am about finding and maintaining true love, you have come to the right place.  I welcome you to share your stories of how you found true love, and how you maintain it.  True love raises the consciousness of the entire planet.  Together we will find the truth.  If I can lead you to a place of greater love, together we can change the world.

All it takes is courage and the willingness to explore…

Love, Helen

©Helen Berg’’s Blog; www.helenberg.com; Twitter.com/thebergword

Live your bliss . . .


I remember being at the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, CA. I saw an interview with Deepak Chopra on the T.V.  The interviewer asked, “If there is one piece of advice you would give me before you leave, what would that be?” And Deepak said, “Be in love; stay in love.”  Because when you are in a state of love, even if it is a state of being in love with yourself, that is bliss.

I live in love, I live my bliss, I live on purpose.  And I want you to do the same.  Reach down inside yourself, and find that “happy place.”

One of my happy places is running in a field of daisies chasing butterflies with a big butterfly net.  I never catch them, but it is fun just running around in the sun and falling down in all those flowers.  Some days I become the butterfly, and float on the airstreams avoiding the net that everyone else wants to put over me.

That is what we need to do.  Avoid the doubt, the judgment of others, and the limitations you created in your mind.  When you awaken your true self your desires change. You start to want what is actually good for you (and this fuels personal evolution). You’re on “the path” that you were always meant to be on.  When your actions have purpose, everything else in your life lines up with that purpose.

Love, Helen Berg, www.helenberg.com

We are more than this body

We have an energy body that radiates over 100 watts at rest.  We are like a bright light bulb.  With bursts of energy, as in when we run to the finish line, we can have over 2,000 watt of output.  Think about that.

We are powerful.  Our power comes from the food we eat which is converted into bones, muscles and millions of cells that transfer the energy we create every minutes of every day, to every part of our body.  In addition, our movements produces kinetic energy, which is also converted into power (i.e. how we move the furniture).  We are currently researching ways to use our own energy to power our devices.  Soon, we may be able to power our own cell phones.  In the Netherlands, there is a dance club that harnesses the energy created by the dancers steps.  It powers the LED lights in the floor.  

We are a renewable power plant.  We generate an enormous amount of energy every day within and around our bodies.  So the next time you minimize your value, think about the miracle that you are.  Your body was built with incredible technologies and amazing abilities.  Think about that the next time you limit yourself.

With your mind, you can also increase your energy and power.  By understanding how your physical body works, you can better understand how your energy body works.  

Your chakras, or energy centers, are spinning disks that increase the energy of wellness, safety, power, happiness, love, communication, visualization and self-realization.  When they are open, and functioning properly (just like a well-functioning heart), we feel good and see our true potential.  When they are blocked, we don’t feel well and fail to see our true worth.

So know this, you are more than your body.  You are a magnificent energy-producing beam of light.  When you fully realized your abilities and potential, you will have all the energy and power you need to create your beautiful life.  When we collectively understand and embrace the light of our beings, we will have all power and energy we need to create a beautiful world.

Love, peace and happiness,

Helen Berg

  ©Helen Berg’’s Blog; www.helenberg.com

New Year – New Beginnings

What Is Happiness?

Dear readers,

     I like the idea that New Years is a time for new beginnings.  Louise Hay says you can begin anew anytime, but I like the idea that after our “rebirth” at Christmas, we begin another new year.  Like a child, I open my eyes with fresh perspective.  

      For me, Monday is the beginning of a new journey after years of education, study, interviews, life experiences, inspiration and the diligent work of writing.  Monday is the day I will start promoting my new book, “What Is Love?”  Look for more post of chapters this upcoming year and information on where the book can be purchased.

     And thank you for reading my posts, and my book!

     Love, health and happiness,

     Helen Berg